This is the year of a significant shift in focus that will steer the collective consciousness towards a new direction. Some major planet events make 2025 an extremely potent time of change. The current events and trends are astrological points of no return as the cosmic patterns tell a story of major transformation, re-routing and… Continue reading 2025 The Year Ahead
Category: Major Transits
2024 The Year Ahead
The coming year is going to be momentous. 2023 passed by at a rapid rate and 2024 will be just as fast-paced, even chaotic at times. It is a complex year with many exciting and challenging astrological shifts. 2024 is a year of significant endings and it will be the beginning of a new era.… Continue reading 2024 The Year Ahead
2023 Change & Refocus
2023 is a year of beginnings and new directions. A lot is happening in the Astro-sphere and it’s certainly not destined to be a dull or monotonous year ahead. We have finally put the challenging and frustrating Saturn, Uranus transits of the last few years behind us. We have endured the passage of Saturn through both… Continue reading 2023 Change & Refocus
May is a busy month!
May is a busy month and it may even be a merry month for some. Bealtaine marks midway between the equinox and the solstice, indicating we are well on the way to midsummer. The true astronomical date of this cross-quarter day is the 5th of this year. Many of the standing stone rows or circles… Continue reading May is a busy month!
Sun conjunct Chiron & the South Node in Pisces – Leave the pain of the past behind and walk free!
The Sun is joined with Chiron & the South node at 22 degrees of Pisces. Use today’s energies to step out of your old story and walk a new path. Chiron represents our wounds and pains brought with us from the past. They are patterns of pain that seem to be ingrained and impossible to… Continue reading Sun conjunct Chiron & the South Node in Pisces – Leave the pain of the past behind and walk free!
Saturn Neptune Square 2015 -2016 part two – Resolving a Paradox?
Saturn is currently in Sagittarius whilst Neptune is in Pisces, and both these signs are ruled by Jupiter, the “feel good” planet. Jupiter seeks happiness, meaning, something beyond the mundane and ultimately, a sense of joy. Sagittarius is philosophical, a truth seeker whilst Pisces is merging with mystical realms. The challenge indicated by this square… Continue reading Saturn Neptune Square 2015 -2016 part two – Resolving a Paradox?
Saturn square Neptune 2015 -2016 part one
(part 1) The current square angle between Saturn and Neptune had it’s first “hit” in late November 2015 and becomes exact again in mid June and early September. This is the main theme of the year and is likely to bring about huge shifts in our awareness, viewpoints and attitudes, both on the personal level… Continue reading Saturn square Neptune 2015 -2016 part one
Wishing on a star!
The Full Moon in Cancer on the Morning of 25th is at 11.11am UT and the first Planet the Sun and Moon combination touch with their rays of stellar light is Neptune. What ever else is held in this moment, it is time to make a wish, feel the dream that springs from your heart… Continue reading Wishing on a star!
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 23rd October 2014 Intense and hidden undercurrents
Use this potent and powerful eclipse to make a positive shift that can have deep and long lasting effects in your world of relationships and your overall well being. The question to ask yourself today and during this New Moon phase is “who or what is in control?” This is not just about world powers… Continue reading New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 23rd October 2014 Intense and hidden undercurrents
Balance & Poise – Equinox 23rd September 2014
Finding a place of inner equilibrium is probably the greatest gift you can ever give to yourself! As the Sun passes into the sign of Libra it tells us that we are half way between the midsummer/midwinter solstice points and night is equal to day! It is, as the sign of the scales represent, a… Continue reading Balance & Poise – Equinox 23rd September 2014