Using age-old techniques a question can be answered, sometimes with shocking accuracy. This is called Horary Astrology
Horary is a branch of Traditional Astrology that addresses a specific question and in most cases, gives a definite answer. This is a very useful and practical form of Astrology that doesn’t require your birth details.
It differs from a Natal or Birth chart reading because the time used to calculate the chart is taken at the moment when the question is asked or clarified and understood by the Astrologer. This becomes the “birth” time for the chart.
A study of the Horary chart will usually provide a “yes” or “no” answer. In addition, it will often give background details to the issue asked about and an indication of the events most likely to unfold.
Example Horary Questions:
Will he marry me?
Will I get the job?
Will the house sale go through?
Is moving to France going to work out for me?
Where are my keys?
Should I sign the contract?
Does she want to commit to a serious relationship?
Is my son safe?
Am I going to lose my job?
Is the price too high?
Is my Aunts health going to improve?
Will we get back together?
Where is the cat?
Should I buy this property?
Where is my missing daughter?
Should I invest in this business?
Some questions are not suitable for Horary readings.
What should I do as a career? This is best looked at in your Birth Chart
Will I be a success? This is too general; you need to define “success”
Should I go to China or to the USA? These are two questions so a preference must be given or it will require two charts.
Will I ever get to go to the Ball? This is too open-ended and a time frame of 1-2 years should be given.
Please ask me if you are not sure how to ask your question.
Very occasionally there are other reasons why a Horary question can’t be answered and this is shown by the chart. In these instances I will let you know that I am unable to answer your question and you can choose to take a refund or ask a different question.
A Horary chart gives information that relates to a specific issue that is of sincere concern to the querent (person asking the question). It doesn’t take away your responsibility to deal with the important issues in your life but it does give you the opportunity to access unbiased counsel.
The chart will frequently give a definitive “yes” or “no” answer to the matter enquired about.
Horary Astrology does not give general advice on life direction, spiritual path or future trends. A Birth chart reading is more appropriate for these topics.
The quality of the information obtained from the Horary chart is dependent on the quality of the question asked. A sincere question regarding issues or circumstances which are of great importance to the querent offers the best result.
Horary is most suited to situations where the answer or outcome has a genuine significance or impact on the life of the querent or those asked about.
Casting a Horary chart should be undertaken when there is a real need for advice or guidance on an issue. A good indication is when the querent finds it difficult to focus on other matters, needs to move on, feels stuck in a situation or is in some kind of anguish over the issue. It is tempting, out of impatience or curiosity, to want to know answers or outcomes to all manner of situation. A frivolous or superficial interest or one which amounts to prying into someone else’s business will not yield a satisfactory result. For example: what is my ex-partner doing now? Also, the Horary chart will often show the misplaced intentions of the querent rather than answer the question.
The person who requests a Horary chart reading should do so with a willingness to receive an answer that may not be their preferred outcome.
Horary readings will often yield a detailed description of the circumstances as well as form the basis for advice or guidance on a course of action. This may also include suggestions for an alternative course of action to avoid an unwanted result.
I don’t use Horary to provide the time to buy a winning lottery ticket or whether to bet on a particular horse or your home team winning.
Gaining an insight into current circumstances or future possibilities through taking counsel from an Astrologer does not take away your free will or exempt you from responsibility.
A Horary chart reading can be very precise and accurate but only you can decide what you do about the information you get.
You may not like what you hear or it may be difficult to accept certain situations and their outcomes. Taking action or changing your viewpoint can affect the future which in turn can change a previously predicted outcome for better or worse depending on your perspective.
I always do my best to ensure that you have a positive experience using Astrology and will help you to understand the meaning of any answers the chart gives.
Only you can know what is true for you and only you can make decisions about how you respond to life’s circumstances. If answers, advice or guidance doesn’t “feel” right for you then you must disregard the information in the Horary chart or at least wait until it does “feel” appropriate before you act on anything that has been suggested.
If you choose to act on what you have learned from your Horary chart remember that any result of that action is still your responsibility.
The best time to ask your question is when it becomes so pressing that you feel you have to seek some definitive information before you can proceed.
The time that you ask the question is the right time.
Astrologers understand that the timing of a Horary question has proved to be a matter of “cosmic perfection”. This is a principle that puts people in the right (or wrong!) place at the right time. Earthly events parallel cosmic rhythms and we get inner promptings, often quite unconsciously, that urge us to act at the right moment.
Any attempt to manipulate the timing of a Horary chart to get the “right” answer will yield unsatisfactory results. The effort to control the issue is often reflected in the chart or it indicates that the chart is unreadable.
Sometimes the chart will show other information which indicates that the matter has already resolved itself or that it is too soon to obtain a reliable answer.
When I undertake your Horary reading I will have first confirmed that it is a suitable question. I will go ahead with your reading after I receive confirmation of your payment.
I prepare a written analysis of the information given in the chart. The amount of detail and length of the report varies with each question but I will endeavour to answer your query fully. This can take 1-4 days depending on my workload.
If the matter is particularly urgent I will do my best to help you in good time. I will advise you of any prolonged delays and you can choose to wait or I can return your payment.
If you have an understanding of specific Horary terms I can include these in your report if you request it.
If necessary, to clarify anything contained in the report, I will follow up with one additional email.
I usually respond to emails within 24 hours but very occasionally I am away from my computer for longer. Your answer is usually ready within about 1-4 days.