The study of Astrology has been a consistent thread running through what has been a diverse and sometimes disjointed adult life. Interested in everything from an early age I pursued several potential “careers” and I learned numerous practical and useful skills. But nothing I tried held my interest or challenged me long enough for me to become a fully qualified “something”.
More useful than anything else though, has been my experience of life’s ups and downs, the struggles and the joys, and seeing the variety of choices people make as they unravel their own destinies. Astrology has been the exception to all the possibilities I’ve sampled and subsequently discarded. So now 40 years on, I am still studying the subject I’m most passionate about.
I discovered Astrology in my mid-teens after reading a book about my Sun sign and being impressed at how accurate it was just based on my month of birth. I found a “teach yourself astrology book” on a second-hand bookstall and there was no looking back!
The light from the Stars & the Moon & the Sun speaks a language called Astrology.
From this little book by Jeff Mayo, I taught myself to do the maths and geometry needed to hand draw the birth chart and calculate planet positions using log tables and a scientific calculator long before there was computer software available to do it all. This has proved to be a very valuable skill though I’m very pleased it only takes a few moments to calculate a chart these days!
I took an evening class in Astrology techniques when I lived in London in my early 20’s and then started teaching what I knew to a couple of friends. I continually studied astrology by reading whatever I could find on the subject whilst also working at all kinds of jobs without really following any obvious career path. I’ve worked in catering, administration, retail & sales, on a building site and a travelling circus. I studied furniture making, print design, counselling and alternative therapies. I worked for many years as a massage therapist and energy healing practitioner.
For about 15 years I continued to teach astrology informally whilst reading charts for friends and acquaintances as a way of learning the art through practice and application.
A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.
~Sri Yukteswar
By 1995 I needed to make a complete life change and left England to live in West Cork, Ireland and there I finally started working professionally as a consulting astrologer. The newly available astrology software made my work easier regarding the calculation and preparation of charts. I made use of the internet early on and over the last two decades, I have gradually developed my Astrological Consulting, Teaching and Mentoring practice. I now “see” clients from all around the world via the internet.
In addition to offering one to one consultations in person, by phone or internet, I write a regular Horoscope column for a local monthly paper and occasionally do public events as well as teach and give one to one tuition sessions.
Since 2008 I’ve studied Horary astrology with Deborah Houlding and Hellenistic Astrology with Chris Brennan. I still use some modern techniques along with many traditional and ancient astrology methods. Horary astrology, which was very popular in 17th century Europe, has become a big part of my practice.

My home is near the coast on the Sheep’s Head peninsula and I divide my time between my Astrology consultations, Metaphysical Mentoring work, local community projects, my garden, my partner and walking the dogs.
My life is a journey of revelation and integration. It’s been quite a ride so far. I’m truly grateful to the many inspiring teachers, friends and foes, who have helped me on my way.
My Work Style
There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life.
~Varaha Mihira.
My personal approach leans towards spiritual counselling and “life coaching” as I help clients understand their life situations, relationships and personal or spiritual path from the advantaged viewpoint of astrology. I use my intuitive insight and spiritual understanding to get to the core of any relevant issue with a client.
I see the birth chart as a map or guidebook that can be used to navigate and inform. When we know how our personal landscape is set out and we also understand the potential pitfalls and high points, we can then begin to choose the experiences we prefer and turn the less desirable ones into growth opportunities.
Translating the language of the Stars is my work as an Astrologer. Using this wisdom to guide & inform others is my pleasure.
Increasingly I root my work in the techniques and methods that have stood the test of time over the last two millennium and longer. I trust what has worked over the centuries whilst still being excited to find new ways of interpreting what’s revealed in an astrological chart.
My focus is always on awareness and solutions.
Currently, I’m developing my Metaphysical Mentoring practice and increasing my online content and web-based Astrology resources.
There’s an enormous amount of astrological information available online. Some of it is questionable or even misleading, but fortunately, there are many dedicated astrologers, researchers and writers who have made a huge contribution to any serious student through their willingness to publish online. For many years I have found the internet a wonderful learning resource but as always, it’s down to the individual to discern what is of real value.
I hope that these pages provide an informative and enjoyable guide to Astrology in general as well as the services I offer.
Please get in touch if you want to know more.
He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein