This is the year of a significant shift in focus that will steer the collective consciousness towards a new direction.
Some major planet events make 2025 an extremely potent time of change. The current events and trends are astrological points of no return as the cosmic patterns tell a story of major transformation, re-routing and revelation. This is not all going to happen at once and may not be immediately noticeable in our daily lives. Still, it is likely to be a fast-paced and eventful year for most of us.
The current events and trends are astrological points of no return as the cosmic patterns tell a story of major transformation, re-routing and revelation.
Several of these major planetary shifts take time to really settle into their new places so 2025 can be like the trial run or preview for themes that really start to manifest clearly in 2026.
There are three transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto which are not visible to the human eye without a telescope. Discovered relatively recently, these have been added to the traditional, personal planets observed by “stargazers” for millennia. These modern planets represent themes in our collective psyche that tell us about our consciousness evolution and connection with something far beyond the personal. Each of these planets moves slower than those we can see unaided. Their effect is deep and penetrating as they take between 7-30 years to move through a Zodiac sign, describing social and collective shifts. All three planets enter a new Zodiac sign within a year. This is a rare event and heralds a kind of renaissance or rebirth of consciousness, an era when a great expansion of awareness can take place.
A major planet shift takes place at the end of March as Neptune moves into Aries. Saturn joins it there on May 25th Later in June, Jupiter moves into Cancer and in July, Uranus into Gemini. This puts all the big energy planets in the early degrees of their new sign! These signs are considered to be active or dynamic and the change from the previous passive signs will give the sense of everything moving much faster or being more intense. This very complex combination sets the background tone for the years to come. Each of these slow-moving planets travels back into the “old” sign before committing to their long-term phase from next year. We can see this as a preview or trial run that gives us a taste of the new era we are heading into.
From early June there is some very positive support from Jupiter the big planet of benevolence when it moves into the sign Cancer where it is at its best. It stays in this sign until mid-year 2026. This is the area of your chart where you can experience big progress and developments. It’s where you may excel this year.
The tension and heightened energy that helps to push through the required changes of thought and consciousness really kick in around early July. Uranus the planet of innovation, change and freedom changes sign from earthy Taurus to air sign Gemini. It won’t move beyond this sign until late 2032. With this move, all three outer planets are now in their new sign positions and they form a trio where each will energise the other as they connect several times over the next couple of years.
The slow start during January and February is replaced by some intense activity for March and April when we see several major events combine to push things to a new level.
Mars is already in retrograde at the start of the year and within a week going forward, Venus starts her retrograde phase. Both these desire planets don’t get to make new ground until early May. So things may feel stalled with little progress until after that. This is a time to re-evaluate relationship choices and affinities made in recent months. We may recognise the value of past connections and want to reconcile any disruptions. We may find the current connections are not the ones we prefer and choose to realign with more suitable unions. Mercury starts the first retrograde of the year in mid-March also. These months are the right time to self-reflect and work on our personal issues, relationships, social connections and how we direct our energy. With the Solar and Lunar eclipse in March, this is a seed point for things that will unfold in the next few months.
The first half of the year has a strong focus on the first few degrees of Aries and the last degrees of Pisces. This means the ruling planets of these signs, Mars and Jupiter respectively, have extra significance and are more likely to trigger events that express their energy. Mars energy carries force. How we wield that force is what makes the difference. Mars is known for being assertive and competitive. It can be confrontational and combative too. Jupiter carries the energy of expansion. Where we direct our focus for gaining more, is what makes the difference. Jupiter represents the urge to become better, bigger and more empowered. It is optimistic and enthusiastic but it can overdo things too!
Later in the year, there is still a strong Mars theme but the dynamics bring Saturn and Mercury into focus. Saturn’s energy carries limitations. We can use this to harness and contain something and make it more powerful and of greater use or we can restrict, withhold and weaken something. Mercury’s energy carries the ability to connect. It brings things, people and ideas together. It animates whatever it connects with and speeds things up. What we choose to animate, activate or bring life to is what makes the difference.
Complete falsehoods and deception will be epidemic in global politics, popular media and news stories. It will be nearly impossible to know who to trust or which ideology, authority or organization has a reliable foundation. Many of the concepts, beliefs and “facts” that have been presented over the last decades will be undermined as new versions of “the truth” emerge. This is happening everywhere, in politics, medicine, religion, education and science. Aries energy is all about having the courage to be an individual. We may have to sacrifice the comfort of the consensus view to claim a personal perspective if it feels more true or appropriate than the mainstream narrative.
We may have to sacrifice the comfort of the consensus view to claim a personal perspective if it feels more true or appropriate than the mainstream narrative.
The resistance to this trend of autonomy will be strong. Gemini is all about making mental connections and having two sides or levels to a story. Both inner (personal) and outer (worldly) conflict will be represented in many ways now and various scenarios with these themes will unfold over the next years. The “battle” for independence is not simply a national desire not to be occupied or annexed by a dominating force. This is also experienced on the level of our thoughts and beliefs. It can become a full-on “war” to establish where true power is held and this will play out over many years ahead.
The questions to address will be “Is dominion gained through material, financial and technological supremacy or is it through mental, spiritual and physical autonomy?” and “Is mastery over nature and the external world our destiny or is it self mastery? “
There are several areas of your chart where you can expect new energy and focus. The Eclipse cycle is energising the Virgo and Pisces axis over the next two years. Both Aries and Gemini are highlighted by several planet events. Where these signs are in your chart will be where you start new ventures, themes or where you find a different way of doing things. In the areas where Taurus and Pisces are found, you will have some loose ends to attend to with the need to finish up, consolidate or finalise some issue or aspect of your life.
Mars Retrograde
Mars started its retrograde in Leo on 6th December last year and will be travelling back out of Leo into Cancer until it turns forward again on 24th February. We begin the year with some frustration as we have to hold back and attend to any loose ends before we can press on and make progress. Early May before this phase is finally finished. On 6th January Mars moves back into Cancer. We are having to return to issues that were current last October when Mars was also in opposition to Pluto. Whatever energy was released then will be stirred up again. Self-protection and defensiveness are the first reactions to any confrontation. Power struggles or challenges to basic security and personal needs may be highlighted once more. Here the focus is on family, security and getting the foundations of social support in place.
The needs of other people must be considered and cared for but we must balance this with our own requirements for nurture and security. The challenge is to ensure the well-being of yourself and those that matter to you without it being detrimental to others. On a global scale, this can be seen as petty squabbles about resources potentially escalating into full-scale warfare.
Mars moves back into Leo on April 18th and gains new ground from May 2nd. In Leo Mars asserts its fiery qualities and becomes emboldened, having the courage to take the lead role and forge ahead with what it wants. From mid-June, Mars travels swiftly through the next few Zodiac signs ending the year in mid-Capricorn. These signs in your chart are where you can get the most out of the energy, thrust and drive of the action planet.
Venus Retrograde March 2nd – April 13th
Venus is the planet of connection, beauty and relationship. It starts the year in Aquarius, heads on through Pisces and starts to transit Aries by early February. This feisty sign is not where Venus feels most touchy-feely and it can be a phase when relationships require a step back for some “me” time. During the retrograde, we are likely to either want more time on our own or to put the spice back into the romance. We may start to consider what makes us feel the deeper connection from 27th March and decide whether this situation does not match up or whether the relationship we broke away from actually did have real meaning.
Mercury Retrograde
We have three retrograde phases this year
March 15th 10* Aries – April 7th 27* Pisces
July 18th 16* Leo – August 11th 5*Leo
November 9th 7* Sag – 29th 21*Scorpio
Pluto in Aquarius: March 2023 – January 2044
Pluto takes about 248 years to orbit the Sun, and between 14 to 31 years to go through a zodiac sign. It was last in Aquarius from 1778-1798 We can expect the existing control and authority to make way for the bigger social group and the ruling minority will have to relinquish their hold on the masses. We will have to let go of our familiar ways of being and lifestyles as we adapt. The changes and modifications that this era will bring are going to happen slowly over the next couple of decades. Even though we often resist change and evolution this is a time of importance as it is not possible to maintain the structures of society because they are now more harmful than good and the upgrade is necessary and will, eventually become the new normal.
Neptune in Aries: April 2025 – March 2039
Neptune takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, and around 14 years to go through one sign. It was last in Aries from 1862 to 1876. Neptune opens our minds to whatever is beyond the world of the five senses. We seek to experience something more than the everyday mundane existence. It brings the dissolution of structures and represents idealistic drives on a social and spiritual level. In Aries, we may see the rise of leaders who are willing to sacrifice themselves for a greater cause. This is the time of the archetypal hero. There is a growing sense of meaninglessness connected with personal achievement for selfish reasons and a revolutionary drive towards a more compassionate and inclusive global society. Identity and individual purpose are going to be strongly questioned.
Uranus in Gemini: July 2025 – May 2033
Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun and is in this sign for 7 years. It was last in Gemini from 1942 to 1949. This influence brings an explosion in communication and transport, opening up new ways of contact between people. In this era, the airways are literally buzzing as the use of drones and automated systems increases. We’ll see many more technological breakthroughs, innovations and idealistic projects There will be disruption and renewal in education and the way we transfer or access information.
Saturn in Aries May 25th – September 1st
Saturn starts the year in Pisces where it has been since March 2023. In May it moves into Aries to join with Neptune and then also makes connections with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. The restricting and limiting energy of Saturn adds a powerful dynamic to the thrust of change coming from the other planets. This represents a resistance to all the fast-paced activity in the early summer. In Aries, Saturn may see us with restrictions on our movements or organised forces trying to limit our autonomy and ability to assert ourselves.
Jupiter in Cancer June 9 2025 – June 29 2026
Where ever you have the sign Cancer in your chart is going to start the year with a lot of confrontation and raw energy but the second half of the year is going to get a really positive and expansive energy boost from Jupiter in this sign. Jupiter is at its best in Cancer and this allows us to have some quality family and home time. The protective nature of Cancer helps Jupiter’s projects and ambitions to be nurtured until they reach their potential.
Saturn sextile Uranus 4th April, 12th August & 20th January
Saturn represents the forces of the past and the establishment, and Uranus is the force of the future. This is a volatile combination which may bring upheaval and disruption. Saturn represents the old and Uranus the new. We may see a generation gap become a cause for opposition as one sees the other group as either forcing change or hindering it. Life does not remain the same forever and, in time, the old does give way to the new. Expect this aspect to instigate social change and revolution, especially where it’s associated with technological advancement.
Jupiter square Saturn 15th June
This dynamic is a follow-on from the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 2020. Ideas about banking, construction, education, political policy and the law were formulated and developed. The square is the time of testing to see how well things are progressing after the start of the cycle 4 years ago. We had the first square in late December 2024. Jupiter represents a new vision of the future whilst Saturn represents the establishment, tradition and structure of society, The interaction of these planets brings upheaval and adjustment on every level, as the past collides with the future. We will get to see what works well and what does not.
Jupiter square Neptune 19th June
Jupiter is about expansion into a better future. Neptune is the dream of a life beyond the material. It is a time of spiritual progress. The conjunction took place in April 2022 and this gave great hope for an ideal future, a Utopia of some sort. Humanity was going to be in a state of salvation. With this square disillusion comes. Everything had to come back down to earth again. But this is the time to salvage what still might be possible. This is just a challenge to see how well the dream is standing up against realism.
Uranus sextile Neptune 29th August
This pair were in conjunction in 1993 for the first time since 1821. This aspect brings deep-seated change to the consciousness of humanity. Revolutionary change will be seen as the needs of the individual are up against the good of the greater whole. Uranus-Neptune frequencies resonate through the collective mind – the consensus. Unquestioned assumptions, hidden agendas and propaganda inform the public. Lies deception and trickery keep the illusion alive. Insight, revelation and inspired thinking are the antidote. Increased innovation for energy sources, digital communication and artificial intelligence are part of this agenda. On an inner level, there is a spiritual revolution, with the revival of esoteric interests and a very real evolution.
Saturn conjunct Neptune 2026
This conjunction does not reach its exact point in Aries until February 2026 but it is a significant background feature during 2025 as these planets slowly come together. Essentially this influence sums up the time we live in. Saturn represents reality whilst Neptune represents illusion. This is where we try to find the balance between what is actually real in a physical sense and what is a projection of consciousness appearing real. Some of the big questions become the main issue. The first degree of Aries is the most critical and powerful point in the Zodiac. It is the initiation point where all things begin their life in physical form. There is a shift in understanding taking place as the boundary between the known and the unknown becomes less of an obstacle. Now is the time to blend the spiritual realms with the physical world as we begin a journey to a new level of awareness and a step in the evolution of consciousness
The first half of the year has a strong focus on the first few degrees of Aries and the last degrees of Pisces. This means the ruling planets of these signs, Mars and Jupiter respectively, have extra significance and are more likely to trigger events that express their energy. Mars energy carries force. How we wield that force is what makes the difference. Mars is known for being assertive and competitive. It can be confrontational and combative too. Jupiter carries the energy of expansion. Where we direct our focus for gaining more, is what makes the difference. Jupiter represents the urge to become better, bigger and more empowered. It is optimistic and enthusiastic but it can overdo things too!
Later in the year, there is still a strong Mars theme but the dynamics bring Saturn and Mercury into focus. Saturn’s energy carries limitations. We can use this to harness and contain something and make it more powerful and of greater use or we can restrict, withhold and weaken something. Mercury’s energy carries the ability to connect. It brings things, people and ideas together. It animates whatever it connects with and speeds things up.
What we choose to animate, activate or bring life to is what makes the difference.