Personal visit €150 Phone/Video call 90 minutes €120 60 minutes €90 30 minutes €50 Pay Now lower-income options available
Birth chart readings are also known as Natal Astrology and sometimes referred to as a Horoscope chart. These are the most popular astrology readings.
The chart is calculated using your birth details. The position of the planets at the time of birth are inserted into a wheel or chart drawing which represents the zodiac and other significant features as they were in the sky when you were born.
The birth chart gives a detailed indication of your character, personality traits, your preferences and talents as well as your challenges and shortcomings. It can reveal opportunities and special phases in life. Your birth chart is the foundation for a forecast or relationship reading.
If you need to know which direction to take at this point in your life or want to understand more about your personal journey and purpose and how it blends with your natural resources and talents, then a study of your chart might be enlightening!
Knowing your strengths & weaknesses and learning how to address your personal challenges is very empowering. By studying the astrological patterns which create stress and adversity in our lives we can learn that these experiences are given to highlight those aspects of character which need to be developed in order that we become a more whole & integrated being.
Through understanding that we are not a victim to negative planetary influences or outside forces, we can begin to express our true self more positively and experience a greater sense of purpose & fulfilment.
I’ll need your birth data so I can calculate your birth chart in advance of our appointment. Name. Birthdate, day/month/year Birth time, am/pm and birthplace, the nearest town.
If you have an area of life you want me to focus on please let me know when you book your appointment. If you have a specific question or decision that you need help with then please consider a Horary reading instead.
To calculate an accurate chart it is necessary to know not only your date of birth but also the place, and specifically the time of birth. The more information you want from your interpretation the more accurate the time of birth has to be. Within a few minutes is preferable.
A chart can be drawn up for an unknown time but this will leave the more detailed analysis incomplete. All is not lost though & there is still a vast amount to be gleaned even without the correct time.
It is possible to have your unknown birth time calculated through a process of chart rectification. This process analyses significant events in your life until a satisfactory indication of the time of birth is achieved. This is a complex and specialised area of astrology but it may be worth considering if you intend to use astrology frequently or for precise timing of predictions.
Our meeting at your appointment is your opportunity to gain a greater understanding of yourself through the interpretation of your unique Astrological blueprint. This is a discussion and I encourage you to ask questions and be involved in the direction of the consultation as we unpack the deeper meaning held within your chart.
In your first reading, I can include an analysis of your life trends, talents, challenges, spiritual path, relationship potentials, career options etc. with a focus on whichever area of life is currently of most importance to you. During your reading, I will also identify major trends over the next 12 months.
You will also receive an A4 document which includes your chart, details of your Horoscope and other relevant information relating to your chart. This will help to remind you of the issues we discussed as well as provide a lifelong personal astrological resource.
If you are already familiar with your chart or just want a follow-up session I can focus on more specific areas of your chart. Just ask me!
A standard “Maxi” reading takes about 90 minutes. This session provides time for an in-depth reading. We’ll have time to focus on a particular area of interest or personal issue with plenty of time for discussion. We can also consider the year ahead or other matters of importance, in addition to a general overview of your birth chart.
A basic “Midi” appointment takes about 1 hour. (60 minutes) This gives enough time to introduce you to your birth chart or to focus on an area of special importance. This is also a suitable appointment for follow up sessions or an annual update.
You can extend your Maxi or Midi appointment by 30 minutes by prior arrangement.
A Mini reading of 30 minutes is ideal for an update, further insight or to explore one topic in your chart. Perfect if you have a sudden impulse to learn about a few highlights from your chart without waiting for a longer reading. This shorter session can be of use even with just your date of birth if you only want a few insightful nuggets. I can usually arrange a Mini video or phone session at much shorter notice than a full birth chart reading.
Contact me to arrange a suitable appointment time.
Decide if you want to have a Maxi (90 minutes) or a Midi (60 minutes) session. There is frequently a wait of 3-4 weeks for your appointment.
To arrange your Mini-reading let me know when you are available over the next couple of days and I’ll see if I can fit you in. I can usually schedule the 30-minute session within 1 – 4 days and the more options you give me the more likely I can speak to you sooner.
Please email me your birth details when you book an appointment so I can prepare your charts and reports before your consultation. Once we have agreed on a time I expect you to make your payment in advance to confirm your booking. (See my terms & conditions regarding refunds)
How much does it cost?
Personal visit €150
Maxi phone/video call 90 minutes €120
Midi phone/video call 60 minutes €90
Mini phone/video call 30 minutes €50
A note about fees:
Fees from March 20th 2020. I introduced a sliding scale of charges due to the current circumstances. Please see the options and choose the amount that feels right for you based on your income.