During the last week of 2015 and into very early January the planets have us in an upbeat and optimistic mood as we welcome all the good things to come in 2016 with fresh starts and new leaves turned. Just when it seemed like some forward progress was made, the planets show us that there… Continue reading New Year turbulence as Mercury retrograde squares Mars
Category: Monthly Updates
Uranus opposite Mars, a change of purpose? Neptune Dreams & Solstice Celebrations
During early December as the Sun approaches the Solstice, it’s nearly midwinter for us in the northern hemisphere and a perfect opportunity to view the pre-dawn sky, particularly if you’re not a naturally early riser! The late sunrise and clear cold skies will give a chance to see the waning crescent Moon drop a little… Continue reading Uranus opposite Mars, a change of purpose? Neptune Dreams & Solstice Celebrations
Saturn square Neptune – Reality Shifts, Living the Dream or Losing the Plot?
The midpoint between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice is an important point in the progress of the Sun through the year. Seasonal festivities are now mainly focussed around Halloween but the actual “cross quarter day” is on the 7th. Many of the stone megaliths throughout Europe indicate the Sun’s alignment to a specific point in… Continue reading Saturn square Neptune – Reality Shifts, Living the Dream or Losing the Plot?
Relationship Focus, Mars & Venus join with Jupiter –
The big Lunar eclipse of last month probably had you put your attention on relationships with it’s Aries and Libra focus. October will continue with this theme and it’s not just the relationship with your “soul mate” or “significant other” that’s being brought into view for consideration now. Venus, the planet most closely associated with… Continue reading Relationship Focus, Mars & Venus join with Jupiter –
Virgo Vibes & Solar Eclipse
Sometime in the near future you may be able to look back to this September as the month you got your life in order. Or, if not the whole life plan, at least some aspect of it! It could simply be a case of organising some paperwork or tidying a space but for the more… Continue reading Virgo Vibes & Solar Eclipse
Venus & Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct. Jupiter, Venus conjunct – A busy start to August!
Astrologically August starts out with a few busy days. The last week of July has set the pace, when Venus turned to retrograde motion on 25th July and Uranus followed suit on the 26th. We now have five planets in retrograde which includes all the slower heavyweights, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. This is a… Continue reading Venus & Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct. Jupiter, Venus conjunct – A busy start to August!
The promise of good things to come – Jupiter & Venus conjunct in Leo
July starts with a welcome sense of opportunity and good fortune as both the greater and lesser “benefics” Jupiter and Venus, join together on the 1st. The view of these two bright stars getting closer by the day has been an enchanting feature of our early evening sky for the last several weeks. This combination… Continue reading The promise of good things to come – Jupiter & Venus conjunct in Leo
June Full Moon in Sagittarius & Midsummer Visions of the Future
June opens with a Jupiter ruled Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 2nd The Sun is in Mercury ruled Gemini through to June 21st. Mercury is joined with the Sun and Mars in it’s own sign, Gemini and is in it’s retrograde (apparent backwards) phase until June 11th.Mercury is known as the winged messenger god… Continue reading June Full Moon in Sagittarius & Midsummer Visions of the Future
Beltaine, Full Moon in Scorpio – Passions run high
The month of May begins with the celebration of Beltaine, a cross quarter day and fire festival which marks the halfway point of the Sun’s journey between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Although most commonly associated with Mayday and the 1st May the actual mid point falls a few days later – on… Continue reading Beltaine, Full Moon in Scorpio – Passions run high
April Full Moon Lunar Eclipse aligns with Uranus & Pluto
A breakdown, breakthrough or break out! With a potential for release of tension & necessary discharge of emotional energy this Lunar eclipse is an opportunity for another major step in our important relationships & self development. After last month’s peak in astrological excitement April is going to seem quite unremarkable by comparison. We do though… Continue reading April Full Moon Lunar Eclipse aligns with Uranus & Pluto