The big Lunar eclipse of last month probably had you put your attention on relationships with it’s Aries and Libra focus. October will continue with this theme and it’s not just the relationship with your “soul mate” or “significant other” that’s being brought into view for consideration now.
Venus, the planet most closely associated with love and relationships is in Leo as we start this month and now that the Sun is in her zodiac sign Libra, she gets extra strength. Venus is also the planet which represents our values and what we want to include in our lives simply because it’s meaningful. She urges us towards social inclusion and harmonious connections. When she moves into Virgo, home sign of planet Mercury on the 8th she is once again strengthened because Mercury is currently in Libra (her sign). In Virgo, Venus wants to be discerning and practical and definitely wants to get it right. Venus goes on to make a challenging square aspect to Saturn on the 11th making us aware of any conflicting desire for equality and openness versus prudence and temperance. This is especially relevant now with Saturn, planet of boundaries and limits, firmly in Sagittarius, the sign of the truth seeker. We can expect to be confronted by issues of censure and exclusion during the next couple of years.
The strongest dynamic during October is the conjunction of Mars to Jupiter exact on 17th but can be felt for several days either side of that date. When all that action centred, physical drive energy of Mars is combined with the “let the good times roll” planet Jupiter it could bring on some crazy party vibes or the required thrust to get some adventurous project under way. This duo have a well earned reputation for taking risks or going to excess but with both these planets in conscientious Virgo the energy can be carefully directed and precision timed for best effect. While this forceful pair team up they are also connecting with powerful Pluto in a supportive trine aspect which gives an extra sense of determined focus to achieve something momentous.
Not to be left out of the limelight we have Venus following in the footsteps of Mars. Throughout the month she keeps our focus on personal values, social relationships and a desire for the beautiful things in life, ensuring we don’t lose sight of what’s most important to us. Venus also connects positively with Pluto, on 23rd giving us the boost we need to completely align ourselves with the very best “win win” situations. She goes on to join with upbeat Jupiter on 25th just in time for the Full Moon in her sign on 27th This line up gives a real sense of having something to celebrate and be grateful for. To finish off the month on a high note, the love goddess Venus catches up with her warrior consort Mars bringing the two archetypal aspects of human relationship together just in time for Samhain.