Sometime in the near future you may be able to look back to this September as the month you got your life in order. Or, if not the whole life plan, at least some aspect of it! It could simply be a case of organising some paperwork or tidying a space but for the more ambitious this is the time to make some real progress with practical projects or realigning your life goals to the original blueprint.
The dominant energy this month has a Virgo vibe. Jupiter the expansive “feel good” planet has now moved into this sign since mid August and stays for about a year. Virgo wants to attend to, and fix, whatever doesn’t seem to fit the pattern or natural order of things. In many ways this is expressed as a critical position by picking up on what is wrong in any given situation – or person! Used constructively this analytical attention to details can help with the process of clearing out the deadwood, throwing out clutter, amending destructive habits and creating an easier flow or rhythm.
The Sun made it’s conjunction to Jupiter in late August and was in Virgo for the Full Moon of 29th. That energy carries forward into September and the New Moon Solar eclipse on 13th.
As always a New Moon is a seed point for the next Lunar cycle. Other astrological events around this time add to it’s potential. Although this month’s partial Solar eclipse isn’t especially powerful as a world event trigger, it may well be experienced in more subtle but significant ways on a personal level.
Virgo is ruled by the quicksilver messenger planet, Mercury and in this earthy sign the “dealing with data” Mercurial energy is more focussed on practical matters to do with our environment, body, health and food systems. A Solar eclipse is a moment in time when the usual pattern is disrupted whilst the energy of the Sun is obscured by the shadow of the passing Moon. It’s a pause and a chance to make changes, like a system re-boot on a computer or a scenery change in between acts in the theatre.
With Jupiter’s future orientated energy which is always seeking something beyond it’s current state – a bigger, better, improved version of life, positioned in opposition to Neptune now, there could be some disorientation of goals. Neptune casts it’s influence out by dissolving boundaries and breaking the barrier between what is easily defined in material terms and what is more subtle or mystical. Confusion or disruption is possible, but also that lapse of determination or focus could allow another possibility to take form. These are all good supports for making changes to physical structures and mental habits that leave us with less than the best in health or well being. Take the dreams of Neptune and the opportunities given by a buoyant Jupiter to the extreme. Use this Virgo focus to really attend to the details, set some new patterns in place, then relax and allow that natural organising force of nature to do the rest.