Beltaine, Full Moon in Scorpio – Passions run high

The month of May begins with the celebration of Beltaine, a cross quarter day and fire festival which marks the halfway point of the Sun’s journey between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Although most commonly associated with Mayday and the 1st May the actual mid point falls a few days later – on the 5th this year. Many of the traditional customs that have survived through the ages represent a form of cleansing and re-seeding in preparation for the bountiful summer months.

With the Sun in the earthy sign of Taurus at this time of year the connection with our physical body and natural environment is very strong. At full Moon there is a culmination or peak in energy and because the Moon is always in the opposite sign to the Sun at the Full Moon phase, so we also have all the intense associations of Scorpio involved. Passions of all kinds can run high and emotions can go deep as a whole range of material, physical and practical issues come to a head. Whether this manifests as a satisfactory completion or a critical climax it is likely to be quite an event because Jupiter, known for it’s ability to exaggerate whatever it touches, is hitting a hard angle at both the Sun and Moon from fixed fire sign Leo. This Moon phase could highlight issues of individual personal expression as a human right particularly when it concerns any subject that has been considered a social taboo.

We can expect to have our beliefs and level of openness to new ideas challenged over the next few weeks as Saturn, planet of limitation and restraint is now in it’s retrograde phase, moving back to re-enter Scorpio in mid June. The small but powerful planet Pluto in Capricorn also turned to retrograde during April and will be in reverse until late September. This gives us the impetus to go back over some important and fundamental areas of our life. Looking at the systems, structures and supports which are no longer valid or sustainable, with a view to re-building or completely transforming what isn’t working well is the theme once more.

As the action planet Mars moves into Gemini mid month and confronts Saturn there will be an increase in the tempo of communications and information exchanges but it could be just a lot of “hot air” without the required will to follow through on any positive action.

The New Moon in Taurus on the 18th will bring us back to considering our core values and possibly a desire to indulge in the simpler things of life. On the 19th Mercury, in it’s own sign of Gemini and natural representative for all communications, travel and exchanges, turns to go retrograde until the second week of June. The emphasis is firmly on reconsidering, re-negotiating, revising and re-writing documents, travel arrangements, deals and trading. This provides an opportunity to edit, proof read or check the “small print” before we sign on the dotted line or embark on something new.

When Venus, ruling planet of Taurus, now in Cancer moves into exact opposition to Pluto on 22nd you may experience some resistance to your desires if they are just about fulfilling your own needs. The chances are that as Venus moves on to oppose unpredictable Uranus in Aries on 25th there may be the recognition once again that even excitement and high tension can become tedious and the simpler things of life can bring a longer lasting satisfaction so a deeper sense of nourishment can be enjoyed.