During the last week of 2015 and into very early January the planets have us in an upbeat and optimistic mood as we welcome all the good things to come in 2016 with fresh starts and new leaves turned.
Just when it seemed like some forward progress was made, the planets show us that there is a change of plan, or several. By the end of the first week of New Year we are left wondering what happened as the confusion and crisis roll back in like the recent storms.
Mars moves into Scorpio on 3rd January where he stays until early March. Very much in his home teritory here but Mars can use his forceful drive in a secretive manner in Scorpio and he is in a challenging square to Mercury which just entered Aquarius but is now turning retrograde for about three weeks. Any new year resolutions or ulturistic goals may yeild very little real substance.
Deals or agreements made this early in the year may come to nothing. At worst there may have been deliberate lies or trickery within generous promises, especially those made on the world stage. Hasty descisions and impulsive responses may create unwelcome conflicts. On a personal level there may be harsh words spoken, promises broken and threats to break away. All this done in the heat of the moment may have longer term repercussions but whilst Mercury is back in Capricorn and the retrograde zone up to mid February there will be opportunity to renegotiate and repair and even improve our connections for the better in the longer term.
With the Sun conjoining Pluto on 6th January whilst moving to square Uranus the energy of the Uranus Pluto square that described 2012 – 2105 is activated again. This triggers the collective unrest once more and brings further acts of terrorism and attempts to break free from oppresive domination.
Because Mercury is apparently moving backwards it passes over Pluto twice in a short space of time and is almost stationary in that position as it turns to move forward once more. Expect strong views and extreme attitudes to be expressed now. This attitude can lead to a strong polarisation and set one viewpoint against another. The desire to be right or hold the moral high ground is a strong motivation for some and Pluto will bring these issues to the forefront as they need to be resolved. This is a theme which will repeat throughout the year and until a more enlightened approach is taken.
With Jupiter currently in Virgo there’s a lot of attention to detail and the desire for really getting things sorted out is going to focus our energy, especially in areas of our health and natural environment. When Jupiter turns retrograde in early January until early May we can address these important areas and find solutions to resolve any problems that have become apparent since last August. The early year may be troublesome but with a lot of hard work put in to problem solving it can yield very satisfactory results in the coming months.