This lunar month started at New Moon on January 23rd coinciding with Mars beginning its retrograde motion. Whatever started then is likely to have an impact around the Full Moon on 7th February. This date coincides with Saturn going retrograde. Saturn and Mars are traditionally known as malefics and have a tendency to be troublesome. Although these planets represent essential drives and bring about plenty of beneficial outcomes, if their energies are expressed negatively the results can be far worse than with the other planets. When a planet is retrograde it’s hard to use the energy in a positive way so they are best accessed for reflection rather than action. Saturn rules over the corporeal world and represents the limitations of material reality.
In retrograde until late June, he will highlight issues with boundaries, restrictions, imposed borders, binding contracts as well as legal, social and religious regulations. Any attempts to enforce these might just be considered a line crossed, boundary breached or unfair discipline. It’s not a good time to push forward with a business contract, impose authority or create a new organisation. Use this time to question the existing arrangements and examine plans and proposals for areas that need review and renewal.
The next few months may seem like endless austerity and conflict. Repeatedly we see how things are just not working out the way they were intended. Whilst this might be our everyday experience there is something else occurring, not so noticeable but certainly both exceptional and profound. About every 164 years Neptune moves into Pisces. As one of the outer planets its journey through the zodiac is very slow taking about 13 years in each sign. Neptune moved into Pisces briefly in April until August last year but now it will stay there until 2025. The last time was between 1847 and 1862. The outer planets are evolutionary and mark time over generations. They affect us as a group and demonstrate deep and lasting social, political and spiritual change. To understand the significance of this event we need to consider the nature of Neptune.
At home in watery Pisces, it’s associated with the unified consciousness, our inter-connectedness and all that exists beyond the physical. It transcends and dissolves boundaries. Pisces represents both the material and spiritual co-existing. Finding the balance between the two is a hard art to practice. During this period we can expect to see a movement to more inclusion, less restraint and greater compassion. Existing boundaries, barriers, separation and segregation will be seen as an unnecessary fabrication when similarity and shared experiences unite people.
As Neptune blurs distinctions and recognisable definitions there may be confusion and disorientation. Some people will find themselves in a Neptunian state of denial and delusion as they try to maintain their personal vision of life. Over the next decade we will each need to choose whether to continue to accept what we are told to believe or begin to trust in our inner senses.