This Month the Full Moon lies in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra. This Sun Moon opposition occurs progressively through the zodiac signs each month. The theme for October highlights the polarity between the individual who is always looking for the challenge to their assertiveness (Mars rules Aries-conflict) and the shared human desire for social co-operation and meaningful relationships (Venus rules Libra-harmony). The emphasis this Full Moon though, is on taking the dynamic beyond the personal as selfless and compassionate Neptune in altruistic Aquarius makes a positive and nearly exact angle to both Sun and Moon. This suggests the opportunity to employ our courageous and determined warrior archetype to push for desirable situations which bring us together with others in a way that is beneficial to all.
The turn of the month marks the great fire festival of Samhain (Oíche Shamhna) or Halloween which signifies the end of summer and begins a new year. Astrologically the New Moon in Scorpio reflects this theme of a new phase as we enter the dark days of winter. On the 31st October fiery Mars makes a favourable aspect to both Saturn which represents the old established order, and Uranus signifying things new, liberated and definitely not conventional. These latter two planets come into exact opposition for the first time since 1965 on 4th November. Interesting to notice that this is the day scheduled for the presidential election in the USA and the two candidates clearly personify the old traditionalist (Saturn) vs the new progressive (Uranus). With Mars involved in this planetary opposition the dynamic is being tested, but in a positive way. Venus in Sagittarius desires the opportunity to move on to bigger, better and happier times and she makes a challenging square angle to both Saturn and Uranus on 3rd November. This forceful position can often indicate a point at which “a corner is turned” in a demanding situation. Whatever the exact outcomes of global affairs in the approaching weeks we can be assured that change is coming, but it may be a while before we can see a benevolent order emerging out of the chaos