The Moon waxes to Full on the 13th November and then wanes away to bring the darkest night on 27th November before re-emerging as the slimmest crescent of the New Moon which in turn waxes again to Full. For thousands of years Astrologers have observed the rhythm of the Moon and cyclic patterns of Planets as they wander through the heavens. Over the centuries stargazers have observed cosmic events and noted how they parallel mundane events of human affairs. The Astrologer’s art is the interpretation of these “as above, so below” parallels. This month’s cosmic events can leave no Astrologer in any doubt that we are truly embarking on a new era. Early November saw the first of five oppositions that Saturn will make to Uranus between now and July 2010. The last similar aspect of this kind was in the mid 1960’s when there was very real social disruption brought about by civil liberties groups, radical social reformers and anti Vietnam War protesters who challenged the status quo. Another current major shift is signified by Pluto finally moving into the sign of Capricorn where it will stay until 2023. We can expect Pluto to relentlessly undermine anything which is not ultimately beneficial to the greater good when it comes to the established authorities represented by Capricorn. Within financial institutions, political hierarchies and organisations who claim to be upholders of social ethics we will see an exposure of the corrupt and deceitful elements. The necessary breaking down of these outworn structures clears the way for a more enlightened inclusive and sustainable social order. The “get rich quick” theme and economic inequalities are replaced by longer term values built on real community needs. The effect of these planetary events takes many years to play out. Resistance to such thorough change is felt both personally and in the larger social arena but these reforms are essential for our long term well being. Remember that although these next few years may be uncomfortable they are but a mere blink of an eye in the greater cosmic scheme of things and the history of civilisation.