September 2008 Harvest Moon

The Month of September brings us the Harvest Full Moon and the Autumn Equinox. This is traditionally the time for gathering in our crops. With long hours worked under the light of the Full Moon we reap the result of our investment made during the spring. Since April and May this year things have been tough going. Pluto and later, Jupiter started their apparent retrograde (backward) motion. During this time we have also seen the apparent backward slide in political relationships and the global economy. (Dare I even mention the weather!)If you’re still waiting on projects to get off the ground, plans to be solidified and progress to be noticed in your personal endeavors then this waxing September Moon might see the floodgates of change finally released. This is also true in mundane matters that affect the larger community. We will see a lot of fast and furious planetary activity early in the month with Jupiter changing direction and starting the ball rolling on the 8th. Jupiter then makes a challenging angle to Saturn on the 9th which is a prod to work on the practical reality of getting our hopes and plans into a feasible form. Taking responsibility for our growth and forward direction over the next few months is key to this planetary aspect. But this should help give a down to earth approach to reaching goals. Also on the 9th Pluto changes direction and slowly moves forward again gathering its momentum in the coming weeks as it heads into Sagittarius. This could bring a release of new and transformative energy needed for us to evolve. As the Moon approaches full it encounters Uranus which has just had a head on clash with the Sun. Uranus is a “wild card” and we never know how it will be played. The energy can be electrical and it can wake us up from any unconscious slumber we have fallen into particularly on the larger scale of maintaining the social status quo in favour of radical and necessary change.Both Venus and Mercury make an easy trine to Neptune around the 17th to 20th – a good time to imagine the very best and reach for the stars. Just don’t be fooled into believing all is good whilst actually being deceived, by your self or others!

The Autumn Equinox occurs on the 22nd as the Sun passes into Libra and feisty Mars connects to the oceanic Neptune giving you the chance to act on your wildest dreams. Remember that belief and deeds go hand in hand towards success. As a finale for the month Mercury goes retrograde (apparently turns backwards) which gives us the welcome chance to reflect on the changes we’ve just witnessed.

The next Full Moon is at 23° Pisces on the 15 September at 10:14 am and the next New Moon is at 7° Libra on the 29 September at 9:13 am