2011 began with the first of the year’s four solar eclipses. Almost six months later we have the second on 1st June followed by a Lunar eclipse on 15th. Eclipses always occur in Solar/Lunar pairs within two weeks of each other. The partial Solar Eclipse can only be observed from the very northerly latitudes of China, Siberia, Canada, Iceland and Scandinavia. The later stages of the total Lunar eclipse on the 15th should be visible from Ireland just after moonrise. The Solar Eclipse is always at New Moon, and the Lunar Eclipse at Full Moon. When the New or Full Moon coincides with a celestial position known as the Moons Nodes we have an eclipse. The Moon’s North and South Nodes are the points at which the path of the Moon crosses the ecliptic, or apparent path of the Sun, each day. Astrologically these Nodes indicate the direction of our collective evolution and its significance in our personal lives. So when an eclipse occurs we can expect world events that will potentially affect us all in some way, however for most people not directly. The effect of these events though will usually have a deep, significant or life altering impact for each of us on some level. How it affects us individually depends on where in out chart the Eclipses fall.
Eclipses mean new starts and changes and a chance to break with the past. With both this month’s eclipses emphasising Mercury ruled Gemini we can expect to hear lot of new information and ideas being shared whilst being reminded there are two sides to a story. Strongly supported by a favourable angle from Saturn in Libra we can create firm foundations on which to build our ideas. There may be political agreements proposed and attempts to settle new boundaries or sanctions. We may see opposing arguments and demonstrations and subsequent negotiations. These few weeks are an excellent time to move plans forward and communicate intentions. Networking, writing and discussions are all favoured. As Saturn turns direct in motion again on June 12 we can move ahead with enthusiasm on the changes initiated at the Solar eclipse. At the Lunar eclipse on 15th the Sun joins with Mercury in Gemini and we can set our minds to implementing our goals and aspirations with some genuine optimism for the future.