We start the month under the influence of the August 29th New Moon in Virgo. We can watch for the first glimpse of the slender crescent just after sunset if the skies are clear. Look for it above the horizon and just slightly to the left of where the sun set. The New Moon phase marks the beginning of the Lunar cycle which comes to its peak at the following Full Moon. This month it also falls in Virgo reinforcing the qualities of that sign. It’s a month for harvesting and reaping what we’ve sown as we move towards the vernal equinox on the 23rd. The last New Moon made a harmonious trine with both Pluto, the planet of transformation and Jupiter “the great benevolent” just as Jupiter slows to turn retrograde. It’s a time when we can make good progress in our journey towards greater understanding as Virgo lends us the qualities of discernment and refining, attention to detail, adaptability and determination. As Jupiter travels in retrograde until late December we internalise our urge towards expansion and superior knowledge and reflect on the greater meaning of recent events in our lives. The small but powerful Pluto which has been retrograde since early April turns to retread it’s steps through early Capricorn as it goes forward once more from the 16th. This release of energy might see a slow but deliberate change in the way we have been dealing with our “elephant in the room”. The reality of what was previously too painful or unacceptable to mention can no longer be ignored and has to be dealt with. We have though been on a journey and with these insights we now take a new approach and move into the final quarter of the year. The events in early August were a wake up call to what needs our urgent attention. Pluto came within one degree of the challenging square angle from Uranus which sets the theme for 2012 -2015. Pluto represents power struggles or control issues, taboo subjects as well as big business, corruption and dept. It also highlights the need to co-operate and share with another. It brings to light where we exert our personal will at the expense of others. The erratic planet Uranus encourages revolution and sometimes chaos as a means of breaking free from domination or erroneous values. The message from the planets show that we cannot continue to ignore what is creating stress in our lives. As we go through the next few years we will have to address situations where we’ve failed to take responsibility for our choices and use of resources or where we’ve offloaded the blame for our lack of physical well-being or inner peace on to someone else. This is a powerfully transformational period we’re entering and certainly not one to be afraid of.