The first week of May brings the fire festival of Bealtaine and a refreshing relief from diversion, conflict and frustration experienced through April. The springtime energy is at a peak on May 5th as the Sun reaches it’s half way point between the March Equinox and Summer Solstice in June. With four planets in practical Taurus and the Moon making strong connections with both the “benevolent” planets, Venus and Jupiter, until the 11th this is the best time to make progress with important creative projects or in romantic liaisons. The New Moon on the 6th is especially potent in Taurus and has the support of Venus in her home sign. Use this as an auspicious moment to state your intent or initiate any activity, idea or relationship that you want to embark on. The big “feel good” planet, Jupiter turns to start it’s direct motion once more on the 9th after being retrograde since early January and then makes a constructive connection with Venus on the 10th Work done this week on anything that you hope will give back positive returns for your time and energy invested should find you pleased to see some results now.
As the month continues you will find the best enjoyment comes from pleasures and projects that are carried out behind the scenes and out of the public view. Venus represents all the lovely things, people and experiences that we desire to include in our life but she is traveling close to the Sun now and is increasingly hard to see in the morning sky. She will stay hidden until she returns into view as the evening star in late June. Don’t expect bold declarations of love or magnificent financial rewards during this time. It will be subtle or understated but equally valid and worthwhile
When we enter the third week in May there is a change in the astrological weather that could be unsettling if you aren’t forewarned to be cautious. The Full Moon on 21st is joined with a retrograde Mars. The few days around this time can produce heightened emotions, energy peaks or explosive outbursts. Destructive conflict is possible if the dynamics are allowed to get that far. Wait on making important decisions for a few days because your feelings and opinions are not likely to be a true indication of how things really are. Be aware that the “mood of the masses” can give a false sense of reality. Be careful not to get carried along with a wave of public outrage or reaction to an emotive event. World affairs will probably not directly affect the majority of people in a personal way. If you make them into something important by getting emotionally involved your reaction can cause conflicts in your private life as a result. In particular, people who have planets or significant points in early degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces should be aware of. potential flash points that may trigger over reaction during the two days either side of the Full Moon.
Mercury, the planet of communication and ideas, changes from being retrograde to a direct motion once more on the 22nd which should help with making yourself clear and understood. If there are important topics that need discussion in your intimate relationships during this week the Venus opposition to Mars on the 24th can bring things to a head. There may be a need for a change in your current relationship status or a redirection in the way your romantic encounters move forward. Things need to change shape. Allow or enable this or you may get into some kind of deadlock or direct conflict of wills due to opposing desires. Areas of difficulty that may have seemed to have no apparent solution, can now be rearranged to better suit both people if you can allow this volatile energy to bring about new possibilities.