During this Full Moon in Virgo we see the first lunar eclipse of 2007. Depending on the local visibility that night we should be able to see the whole show. It begins at about 10:45pm as the shadow begins to pass across the Moon’s face and culminates at 11:20, finishing around midnight. The total event lasts 73 minutes which according to traditional astrology, means that its effect will continue for 73 months ahead, that’s until April 2013! Also interesting is, that it can be viewed from every continent around the world. An Astrologer will look at the eclipse path (where on the planet it can be viewed from) to see which countries are affected – so this one will have a global influence. The watery sign of Pisces is the setting for the March eclipses and we can expect to get wet, with high tides, more flooding and storms at sea all likely. Events are often triggered when a planet, especially Mercury or Mars moves across the eclipse point. Dates to watch are 30 March, 9 and 23 April, 13 May. At the Full Moon Eclipse we have revolutionary Uranus conjunct the Sun and North Node and expansive Jupiter forming tense squares to both the Sun and Moon. This can be a moment of great personal awakening. Potentially, events or ideas occurring now give us a new perspective or shake us up so we move beyond any limited thinking. Heads can no longer stay buried in sand. Expect rigid or fanatical religious and political beliefs in particular, to be challenged. The resistance to this need for change is what will be experienced in the coming months. Those who cannot embrace new possibilities and alternative solutions to current problems will try to hold on to what they value, sometimes resorting to force to uphold their convictions however outmoded or inappropriate. Collectively we are experiencing a crisis of confidence in our established social, religious and political structures. The March eclipses occur whilst the ongoing backdrop of Saturn opposite Neptune draws to exact for the 2nd time on 28 February. We can soon begin to search through the rubble of our old certainties to find a renewed faith in something more meaningful and sustaining to our weary spirits. The New Moon Solar eclipse on the 19th occurs just days before the Spring Equinox and heralds the start of a New Astrological Year. This Solar eclipse can only be viewed from eastern Asia and parts of northern Alaska and its effect lasts about 4 years. It occurs exactly in Square to Pluto, whilst Jupiter makes a favourable angle to Saturn suggesting there is much within our selves and others that will finally be released to be faced with honesty and non judgment if only we have the courage. Around us we will see more hidden truths coming to light and we wise up to those who are out for their own ends at all costs. Rather than leaving us with a sense of betrayal or despair we can use the insights and understanding gained to build a more solid foundation for the future where fair play and long term benefits are the underpin.
The next Full Moon is at 13° Virgo on the 3 March at 11:18 pm with the New Moon at 28° Pisces on the 19 March at 2:43 am