Capricorn New Moon, lets get physical – real world manifestation!

The first New Moon of the year falls in Capricorn, our sea goat sign, ruled by Saturn. New Moons are always a good starting point for any new initiative or direction and in Capricorn, a Cardinal earth sign, there’s the opportunity to really make some long term changes. When we decide we want to make life altering plans, or do our daily positive affirmations, or write lists of future intent, there has to be something more than just wishful hoping that it will simply all happen because we have declared it.

With the Sun Moon combination touching the Pluto Uranus square that still lingers with us, there is definitely the sense that so much more needs to shift if we are to live the life we prefer. Making changes isn’t an option – it’s essential! The first planet the Moon touches with its rays, after connecting with the Sun, is Jupiter in retrograde and next is that tricky Mercury also in retrograde. These two planets are re-treading old ground, renegotiating, redesigning and refining, making sure we have the full information and have definitely covered the details for when we finally discover that what we desire is coming in our direction.

Saturn, that planet that keeps our feet firmly on the ground, paired up with Venus for a couple of days, giving our Venusian desires a down to earth practicality. We want to include more of what’s both meaningful, and useful, now. Using the Capricorn way as an example, it’s time to reflect our desires in the physical world of stuff and things. Acting out our dreams, hopes or desires by doing something that represents the change we want to make, is very powerful. It doesn’t have to be the “big thing” all at once – just a gesture to the universe to say you mean it!

If you want world peace then take five minutes to sit or walk quietly without allowing the busy mind to interfere with you own inner peace. If it’s greater abundance you require then go around your house and count up the things you have already. If you want to kick a habit then just make a simple change, take a different route when you leave home.

Using the “making it real” energy that this January New Moon offers can really give your New Year optimism a very substantial and much needed boost.