During these few short weeks of February we could see what’s called a “ game changer”. The month starts off with both Venus and Mars changing sign on 2nd February and Jupiter has just started forward motion once more. This brings a shift in energy and we may already be feeling the benefits. It can finally feel like we are making a new start and things are suddenly moving ahead now after slow progress since the turn of the year. Whilst Mars was in Aquarius, a fixed air sign, we would have come up against opposition to our ideas with confrontations over principles and plans for group projects. Now in Pisces, a fluid water sign, there should be a lot more flexibility and more sensitivity towards others. Venus has moved into Aquarius and this will add a co-operative or even altruistic dimension to our involvement with others thus making it easier to work towards the “bigger picture”.
Quicksilver, messenger planet Mercury joins with feisty, assertive Mars on 8th which will give us a sense of urgency to get the ideas out there. Expect some fast and furious communications to be flying around as news travels like wildfire. There could also be cross words and heated exchanges if the Picean tendency towards vagueness or ambiguity makes it hard to be clear or concise.
As we approach the New Moon in Aquarius on the 10th the sense of being in a global community or at least an awareness that we are part of a larger social group will come into focus. Though, with that Pisces Mars making a difficult square angle to giant Jupiter in the sign of the twins, Gemini, we may get some distorted versions of the background story during the next few days.
A new Moon sets the trend for the next weeks with the energies culminating at the Full Moon which falls in discerning Virgo on the 25th this month. As the Moon grows in size, so too might an emerging theme. The planet of structure and limitation, Saturn is currently in covert Scorpio and starts to make its apparent retrograde motion on the 18th. This brings issues relating to our organisations and social or political establishments into focus. Where it may have been hoped that unpleasant truths had successfully been swept under the carpet late last year, we will likely see them emerge again during the following weeks.
The Sun, having moved into in watery Pisces, also on 18th, joins with Neptune on 21st. This dreamy and ethereal combination has an almost “other worldly” feel to it. The mundane and purely physical will be hard to grasp and this is a time of peak experiences of the spiritual kind.
The theme of expanded connectedness continues as messenger Mercury also turns retrograde on 23rd bringing information, news, communications and the “bigger picture” to our attention again. As we reach the Full Moon phase on 25th Jupiter makes a challenging square angle to both Sun and Moon. Be aware that what occurs now is prone to exaggeration or likely to be blown out of all proportion for effect. As the month ends what we now know may have altered our reality but we also could be left wondering if we know the difference between reality and imagination.