After the momentous New Moon in Leo on 26th July the pattern for the coming months has begun to unfold. The recent Sun Moon combination in conjunction with mighty Jupiter in the sign of the Lion gave a strong message about living out our heart’s desire in a creative and original way. We can watch this dynamic energy begin to manifest in our personal lives over the next two weeks leading up to the Full Moon in Aquarius. Something that has been emerging can now become a reality either in the material world as new events and opportunities or on an inner level through our changing beliefs or understanding. The specific area of life where we can expect to experience this expansion depends on where each lunation falls in our personal birth chart.
As we approach this month’s Full Moon there could be an increased awareness of what the slow moving planet, Saturn, represents now that it’s started a forward motion once more after weeks of apparent backwards motion since early March. Taking about two and a half years to move through a Zodiac sign, Saturn now moves forward through Scorpio for the next five months before entering into Sagittarius. The ringed planet is the furthest within our solar system visible to the naked eye and acts as a boundary, defining the limits formed between us in our material world and the metaphysical realms beyond. Saturn speaks of restrictions that are sometimes frustrating but can prove to be fruitful if we have the patience to allow something to come to full term. An imposed limitation can act as both a freedom restricting prison or a character building test of endurance.
In Scorpio there is a power struggle – control versus acceptance or resistance versus surrender. Since October 2012 we have seen this dynamic in action in our personal lives as well as on the world stage. Whilst in a retrograde motion the focus has taken us on an inner journey where we have had the chance to discover how much of our personal stress is due to resistance to reality or attempting to control situations when it’s really not our business or in our own best interests to hold on. Now that Saturn is going forward again we can utilise the lessons learned and be more disciplined and measured about how we operate when activating our will or intention.
The Moon – Sun opposition at Full Moon make a difficult square angle to Saturn which indicates a needed release of tension. The Moon in altruistic Aquarius puts our sentiments firmly in the shoes of another whilst the Sun strongly placed in it’s own sign of Leo suggests a display of courage and expression of a truthful heart’s desire. We want what is not only most true for ourselves but also what best serves the greater good. The tension develops as we look to find an appropriate outlet or way to manifest this energy.
As we progress through the month the feisty planet Mars, which is also strong in it’s own sign of Scorpio now, joins with Saturn to form a conjunction which becomes exact at the New Moon on the 25th. The red planet Mars is known as the god of war and can also represent the warrior energy that when turned inwards does battle with the “inferior self”so that the “superior self” can take it’s place.
Joined with the great teacher planet Saturn we can expect to be faced with a situation when we need to put our recently learned skills and hard won personal wisdom into practice. With the Sun – Moon combined in Virgo at New Moon this suggests a new cycle of discernment whilst perfecting our ability to handle life in a measured and mature way.