This merry month is the start of the summer season and begins with our customary Mayday holidays.
Referred to as Beltane or Bealtaine and usually celebrated as May 1st we are marking a cross quarter day. The four fire festivals, Bealtaine in May, Lughnasadh in August, Samhain in November and Imbolc in February, are remnants from a series of three day long festivities each marking a significant point on the Sun’s path through it’s seasonal journey. Several times over the centuries the yearly calendar has been changed so the holiday dates no longer coincide with the actual Solar events. On May 5th this year, when the Sun moves to 15° Taurus, we are at the halfway point, the cross quarter, between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. To the ancient Chaldean astrologers and their predecessors these were important rhythmic astronomical events within much larger cycles. May day celebrations in particular became associated with a raunchy time and much practising of various fertility rites. This May, both the planets Venus and Mars, commonly associated with physical love and relationships are highly significant.
In the wake of the Grand Cardinal Cross of April we will all have been realigned, rerouted or had something removed or redefined in our lives. This may have happened on a subtle inner level or quite distinctly through outer events, but something personal will have changed lately. As the immediate tension of the last months decline we will continue to experience the after shocks and repercussions of events now set in motion. Each time the zodiac degrees of the recent Grand cross or eclipses are triggered in the coming months by Lunar phases or other planetary transits the situation will progress. Unless you’ve been directly affected by world events and the shifting global trends the consequences may not be immediately obvious in your personal life.
Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter all get a prompt from Venus, planet of love and beauty, mid month. Just as the Full Moon increases to full potency, Venus, now in feisty Aries, the natural home of Mars, makes a challenging square angle to Pluto. This provocative energy can bring a sense of compulsion to any desires, a feeling that it’s “do or die” to gain what you value. Maybe what was once important is revealed to be much less desirable in this new light. As Venus moves on to connect with Uranus on the 16th there could be sparks flying with sudden and exciting changes in any affairs of the heart. There is more than a hint of adventure for anyone who dares to strike out. An unplanned departure from your usual tastes might be the stimulation you need to break free of an old association in preference for something new. Be aware of opportunity as Venus makes a challenging connection with expansive Jupiter on the 18th but the danger lies in going too far or taking on more than you can manage later.
As our action focused planet, Mars, journeys through the sociable sign of Libra, natural home to Venus, he has been less than comfortable and distinctly thwarted since his retrograde phase started in early March. Now on 20th May he finally turns direction to move forward once more. Expect a release of tension and a readiness for action not really felt since last December. With both love and lust planets in each others signs they are definitely working as a pair. Until Venus moves on into her own sign of Taurus just after the New Moon, the emphasis is on making or breaking connections, fulfilling desires and achieving personal goals. If the partnership area of your birth chart is also in on the action it could mean the start of a new romance.