This current Moon phase started with the New Moon on March 22 just two days after the spring equinox when the Sun moved into Aries. The dark phase of the Moon, when it reflects no light from the Sun and invisible to us, is a point of low energy with an apparent pause before the new crescent Moon becomes briefly visible once more, soon after sunset. Its reappearance marks a renewal and optimum time for initiation or beginnings. The sign of Aries is the first in the Zodiac and the movement of the Sun into that sign at equinox marks the start of the new Solar cycle. What we are experiencing now is the effect of both Lunar and Solar cycles commencing almost simultaneously in the very potent first few degrees of Aries.
Adding to the vibrancy, the two most excitable planets Uranus and Mercury were also in the first few degrees of Aries. This is giving us an exaggerated sense of stimulation and super fast pace for the weeks ahead. You may find that you have more things than usual needing your attention and probably more than you can easily manage in your allotted time. The area of life indicated by the location of Aries is in your birth chart will be most affected. This intense frantic energy should cool off a bit when the Moon becomes Full around the 6th April and the work or events of the last couple of weeks, begin to show its promise. There will finally be some sense of completion or resolution and maybe some breathing space, as the Moon comes back to the New phase on 21st.
This lively pace though, will likely continue as Mercury returns to forward motion on 4th although he doesn’t move beyond his retrograde degree until the 23rd. This release of energy should help with getting on top of all the connections, correspondence and everyday tasks that have built up. Mars in Virgo has also been retrograde since mid January and this will have stalled or thwarted putting plans into action. He turns direct once more on 14th and will pick up momentum gradually into June. Some of that frustrated energy might break loose around that time so just be aware of any potential flash points.
In the background but adding to the mix in keeping the pressure on, we see Venus move into excitable Gemini on the 3rd. Venus loves to be around others, charming and beguiling, partying and indulging, she is our most sociable planet. Mercury ruled Gemini is the sign most strongly associated with fast paced ideas, communications and changeability. Venus here is a social butterfly, making connections and passing information around, not lingering to contemplate, just enthusiastically rushing on to the next new thing. She stays in this sign for a lengthy four months and also makes her rare occultation of the Sun in mid Gemini on June 6th.
Social networking is going to be a big theme during these next months, whether its through internet media or good old fashioned social gatherings. There is a need for people to talk and exchange views. The issues that pull people together into like minded groups have to be shared and common values will need to be discussed. When messenger Mercury conjuncts with innovative Uranus in feisty Aries on 22nd we can expect some mental sparks to fly. He then makes a challenging angle to transformative Pluto on 25th. Don’t be surprised to find yourself thinking surprising new thoughts and don’t be too shocked if you find out some things are not the way you thought they were. The planets are telling us to keep up. We’re going through rapid changes and we need to adapt our thinking to match the new situation or we risk being left behind, wondering “what happened?”