As we move into July we say goodbye to the year long Saturn opposition to Neptune, which has had us all struggling to resolve ambiguity and make rigid attitudes more flexible but we now find that Venus is caught up in the final throws. She forms a conjunction to Saturn over several weeks and this can be seen on the evening horizon after sunset (weather dependant of course!) Venus’s link to Saturn is prolonged by her going retrograde on July 27 until September 8. In all our relationships with others there might be an emphasis on the need for compromise and cooperation as we acknowledge the long term consequences and benefits of partnerships or alliances. If we continue to be inflexible or controlling we are likely to be left dealing with a stalemate or standoff. Also if we habitually resist accepting our responsibility to others due to a fear of being answerable for self-seeking deeds we might find that events during these next weeks makes the alternative become more desirable. As always with Saturn, it might not be an easy lesson to learn but it is always worth putting in the effort in the long term.
The New Moon in Cancer is the best time to do a little self reflection, taking care to have one’s own house in order and to take time to listen to our intuition and instincts. The natural rhythms of life, our roots, background, culture and family are all highlighted at this time and it is fertile ground for developing stronger ties and links with anyone or thing that provides nourishment, on all levels. From the exact time of the New Moon and whilst she is moving through the last few degrees of sensitive Cancer before she moves into fiery Leo at 3:45am July 15 she is ‘Void of Course’. This means that the Moon makes no aspects to other planets until her change of Zodiac sign. It is never advisable to start a new project or venture at this time as it is unlikely to come to fruition. So if you intend to take advantage of the New Moon energy to sow the seeds of your intentions its best to wait those few extra hours. The Full Moon which traditionally heralds the culmination of plans, projects or endeavours falls near the months end and the ancient festival of Lughnasa or Lughnassadh, which is a harvest festival, marking the end of the period of summer growth and the beginning of the autumn harvest and traditionally well worth a celebration.
The next New Moon is at 22° Cancer on the 14 July at 01:04 pm with the Full Moon on 30 July, 1:48 am at 6° Aquarius.