As we approach the Full Moon phase this month it may be possible to detect some of the shifts and changes that occurred over the last couple of weeks and especially since the recent New Moon eclipse in Scorpio. Deep undercurrents of transformation can be seen as subtle ripples or felt as tumultuous waves of revelation or recognition as it becomes impossible to conceal the reality or truth in many different areas of life.
There may be the sense that, despite the everyday challenges and ongoing difficulties, a corner has been turned and the road ahead looks like it holds a promise of something much more positive.
The Sun in Scorpio during the first three weeks of the month, keeps the focus on bringing the uncomfortable, unspeakable or unsavoury elements in our society out into the open for scrutiny and purging.
With the Full Moon in steadfast Taurus this month, our emotions can now stabilise as we consolidate the lessons we’ve had to learn about ourselves and how we relate to others over the last few months. It’s truly possible to experience some peace and acceptance during this phase.
The Sun’s journey is currently closely accompanied by Venus so there are gifts to be found amongst the ashes of the Phoenix, (another symbol of Scorpio) as the developments of the last several years reveal the potential for a creative and positive version of the future. November and early December lead us into the last, of seven difficult square angles between Uranus and Pluto which has been the signature planetary theme since 2012.
The fiery planet Mars has now entered the earth sign Capricorn and this brings all kinds of structures and establishments under review once more as it joins with Pluto on November 10th. As Mars moves forward it makes a challenging square angle to disruptive Uranus on the 13th . Mars takes two years to come full circle and the last time he was in this area of the Zodiac was November 2012. Many of the institutions, governments, corporations or social systems that were in the spotlight then could find it hard to survive this period intact.
In the midst of this testing planetary dynamic the benevolent Venus joins with the “time lord” Saturn in Scorpio on the 12th. As unstable structures are undermined those relationships and core values that have been tested, but held up well, should benefit from the renewed vows and reinforced resolve to follow through with something of true worth now.