With the strong Astrological influences of the last several weeks it would be hard to find anyone who has not experienced some significant change or upheaval. Now August sees the third in a series of eclipses this summer. Visible from Europe this is a penumbral eclipse, which means that just the edge of the earth’s shadow will be crossing the Moon. Expect some instability as the change in the electromagnetic energy surrounding the earth during a Full Moon affects us mentally and neurologically. Full Moon always heightens human emotions making us more openly expressive. It also brings matters to fulfilment and hidden or unconscious issues are brought into the light. The Lunar eclipse further accentuates our emotional responses. This Moon will be in freedom loving Aquarius whilst the Sun is in courageous Leo suggesting we might take a bold step towards greater personal freedom. We may need to explore the critical balance between intimacy and personal space or individual identity and our role alongside others. We may have recently chosen to claim our autonomy at the expense of a close relationship or compromised our sense of personal expression to be part of a group. Whatever the circumstances this Full Moon will show up the failings in those choices, with the chance to review or re-negotiate. Eclipses help correct the course of your life as one phase ends and a new one begins, remember that this is all good and a necessary part of your growth. Any aspect of your life that is not in line with your true life’s purpose will see the most significant change. Where the eclipse falls in your personal chart will show this. Aquarians and Leos are strongly affected. As resistance finally begins to give way you will experience a greater sense of integrity. New and untapped creative possibilities will be revealed as you let go of beliefs that don’t match up with your present version of reality. Redundant ideals or dreams may need to be relinquished. This can sometimes be painful but is necessary. You might experience the feeling of coming to your senses as you realise that what was true for you yesterday is no longer valid and the present is seen in a new light. This is the time to redefine your personality and re-create your self image.