The Month starts in the wake of the “full on” Full Moon of February. With the Sun conjunct mighty Jupiter there was the feeling of it all being a bit extreme. Big events grabbed our attention and seemed to bowl us along as the high energy reached a peak. The rest of the month looks like it will be quite eventful too. A whole new wave of energy is released as Mars begins its forward motion again on the 10th. This fiery planet represents our drive towards our goals, desires and achievement. Whilst Mars, our warrior energy has been moving backwards there has been the need to postpone things or wait with some impatience. There maybe reason to be pleased that you didn’t push forward as the chance to re assess situations now proves its usefulness. Try to use the days around the 10th when Mars is at a standstill to gather your resources and don’t allow frustrations to turn into confrontations. People with planets in the first degree of the fixed signs, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus are particularly affected. As we move towards the New Moon on the 15th life might seem to be buzzing with news, ideas, conversation and revelation. Both Mercury and Uranus join up with the Sun Moon combination to form a very sparky dynamic in mystical Pisces. Mercury is quicksilver and always flitting from one thing to another, making connections and bringing new information whilst Uranus can act like a lightning bolt and give “eureka” moments. Expect fast witty exchanges as the whirlwind energy whips up new thoughts and exciting future plans. More new beginnings are possible as the Sun makes its annual entry into the first cardinal sign of Aries at the Spring Equinox on 20 March. The start of the new season is marked by a tense combination of planets that echo the transforming qualities of the whole year. Both Mercury and Uranus together with the Sun receive strong challenging aspects from Pluto and Saturn. To get the best from these powerful influences remain centred and avoid being drawn into arguments of ideology or conflicts of interest. Use the energy to tap into a creative stream of inspired thought whilst testing insights with sound reason. If you can reach up to embrace the “bigger picture” rather than focus on personal trivia, then you have achieved something worthwhile.