March is associated with the change of season. In the Northern hemisphere, regardless of the weather conditions, we can usually sense the energizing effect of the Sun as it reaches approaches the equinox position. Days become longer than nights from the 20th. Other significant energy shifts may be felt this month as the personal planets make crucial changes in their zodiac positions.
On 1st March Mars begins a retrograde phase which lasts through to mid May. This red planet rules over our physical energy. He is assertive, dynamic and competitive. Travelling through the relationship oriented sign, Libra, our energy has been directed towards “us and them” issues. Independent, feisty Mars is not very comfortable with kinship and co-operation so relationship focus tends towards differences rather than common ground. In backwards motion this attention becomes reflective and inward looking. Conflict becomes very personal and we have to look within for the cause of any strife. This is not a time to blame others for the discord.
On the 2nd Saturn, also turns retrograde. Traditionally associated with limitations in the mundane world he has a constraining and structuring effect. Whilst he’s slowed down to retrace his path we’re having to re-examine the fundamental underpinning to the very substance of our lives. In the sign of Scorpio, Saturn’s focus is on identifying and transforming whatever has power or control over us. It may be habits, addictions to food, drugs, lifestyle, psychological patterns, desires, phobias, insecurities etc. or less personal powers like environment, government, cultural beliefs, religious doctrines or national policies. Saturn in Scorpio asks awkward questions about forbidden topics. Whilst Saturn is retrograde until mid July question what it is within you that dictates your response. Once identified, transform your reactions so they no longer have power over your choices.
On the 5th Venus moves from conservative Capricorn into autonomous Aquarius. Venus is a social planet and draws us into relationships of all kinds and inspires us to create works of beauty. She’s been in Capricorn since mid December and the emphasis has been on practicalities, commitment and resilience. Venus plays it safe in Capricorn and will endure hardships for the sake stability. Associations or creative pursuits that have stood the test of time will prove to be of lasting value. Now the energy shifts towards more future looking Aquarius. A strong desire for freedom in all social connections will be uppermost with social equality and fair play being vital. Common interests draw people together and platonic relationships are as important as physical bonds. Standing apart gives a sense of independence rather that isolation now. Selfish desires are not easily tolerated.
On the 6th the big planet Jupiter changed direction to start moving forward once more. Known as the greater benefic Jupiter is exalted in it’s current sign of Cancer. Here the best of his nature is expressed. Jupiter increases the “feel good” things in life, opens up new horizons and exerts a sense of trust and faith in life. Now he’s moving freely in a direct motion and we can expect a boost of positivity and opportunity. He is also moving closer into the difficult T square alignment with Pluto and Uranus. This puts us on alert in preparation for the forthcoming Cardinal Cross in April. The increase in tension can be felt, but this can be an excited anticipation as much as an anxious dread. With Jupiter in Cancer we can know what we truly need in our lives and we are given the opportunity to reach out and find it, whilst what we don’t need in our life becomes more apparent and we can simply let it go.